About Me

Elite Trainer | Charleston, SC


My name is Jenna Fail…yes Fail. I am 25 years old, proud wife to a wonderful husband & mom to 2 furry little babies! I followed in my moms footsteps with a background in Cosmetology. Although I don’t work behind a chair anymore I will always a passion for beauty. Growing up I was never active in sports. I remember dreading the schools yearly physical fitness test with mile run because I couldn’t do it. I would have never considered myself athletic & certainly never saw my life becoming what it is today. At 20 years old I found myself as a housewife with absolutely no goals in life. Waking up each day at noon, no income, no drive, no passion. I was unhappy and unmotivated.


My husband was very active in the gym at this time and I saw how he was changing and how happy he was. He encouraged me and since I had all the time in the world, I decided to try out the gym. I am an “all in” kind of person. If I’m doing something, I do it all the way. So I knew starting this that I would take it serious. This was the first time in my life I truly dedicated myself to a goal. I had never been in a gym before & I had no clue what I was doing. I just wanted to feel better in a bikini. For me the results came fast and I was hooked! 5 years & 4 NPC national qualifications later, here I am. Funny how life plays out.


Getting into the gym and training has taught me strength and discipline I never knew I had. My passion & career is teaching others that they have it too. Yes you. We are all capable of achieving whatever we set our minds to. As I always say: Change your mind, change your life! I once was weak with insecurities and fearful of what others thought. I wanted to blend in and do what everybody else did. Finding my strength through fitness has changed the way I handle and view everything. It has taught me patience, trust & discipline. Those 3 things alone with carry you far in all aspects of your life. I am fortunate to have found them through health & fitness.